We don’t like scammers.

Protect yourself against fraud.

  1. Always use a password manager.
  2. Never use the same password twice.
  3. Encrypt your disk.
  4. Don't use email addresses easy to guess for important things e.g [email protected].
  5. Use an anti virus.
  6. Never open files attached to emails if it’s not coming from a trustworthy address (same for files sent on Discord, TG etc).
  7. Never open a suspicious link.
  8. Make sure that your OS, browsers etc are always up to date. Most update are released because severe security issues are found.
  9. We strongly recommend using the following browser extensions uBlock.
  10. Always delete "trusted apps" in your crypto wallet.
  11. If you get a random direct message claiming to be help desk or support, it's a scam. Block and report that user.
  12. Always refer to our official website; saynetwork.io
  13. Change your Telegram settings so you don't get added to fake groups by scammers.
  14. Always double check the website URL before connecting your crypto wallet.
  15. NEVER share your crypto wallet private keys.